A Course in Production

What is A Course in Production?

Hi, I'm Emily Yakashiro and I'm producing A Course in Production!

A Course in Production is intended to be a free career resource for those who are currently in, or hope to some day be a part of a Production team in the 3D/CG animation industry.

With a series of blog posts and videos, I will be producing lessons and thought exercises focusing on everything from my best practices within Production, what Production in the 3D animation industry is responsible for, and strategies for achieving excellence in a Production role.

I think the content of this course is likely most appropriate for current or aspiring Production Coordinators and Production Managers, though it is possible that a lot of what is discussed could be transferable for any leadership/management role like Supervisors in our industry or those in Producer roles.

Where can I watch/read A Course in Production?

You can watch all of my videos here on this blog, they are embedded into the post which also contains the transcript of the video.

The videos themselves are hosted on YouTubeAll videos on my YouTube channel will have a link in the video description which lead to the video post and rough transcript back here on the blog.

Series 1: A Course in Production

In Lesson 7, I give you 15 best practices for the good employee

A Course in Production: Introduction

Lesson One: The Role and Purpose of Production

Lesson Two: The Pros of Working in the Animation Industry 

Lesson Three: Working with your Direct Reports

Lesson Four: My Experience in Production

Lesson Five: Working with Other Production Teams 

Lesson Six: The Cons of Working in the Animation Industry

Lesson Seven: Best Practices for Good Employees

Lesson Eight: Working with Superiors

Lesson Nine: My Best Practices 

Bad Habits to Break (at Work) Part 1

Bad Habits to Break (at Work) Part 2

3 Surprisingly-Learnable Skills

The Importance of Listening at Work

You can also download my e-book version of this first series of A Course in Production here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0plbf6pklfuhcmp/ACourseInProduction_Ebook_EmilyYakashiro_2021-03-19.pdf?dl=0

  • This is free!
  • You do not need a dropbox account to access this link or download the ebook :)

Series 2: A Course in Production - Thought Exercises

Thought Exercise Resource Post (no video): Effective Journalling/Diaries 

Trends in Production

Thought Exercise: Done is Another Person's Perfect

Thought Exercise: The Miracle Question

Thought Exercise: Resulting

Thought Exercise: How to NOT Shoot the Messenger

Thought Exercise: 5 Ways to Ask For Help 

Daily Habits for Improving Self-Awareness and Conversations

3 Phrases to Drop: Work Edition

Series 3: A Course in Production - Tough Questions

Yes, I have cried at work. In front of my team. Here's what happened.

Video 1: My Worst Day in Production

Video 2: My First Day in Production

Video 3: Are the Hours worth the Pay?

Video 4: Is Production my Dream Job?

Video 5: How Do I Ask For A Reference? (or rather, how not to ask for a reference!)

Video 6: How Can I Deal with a Bad Boss?*

The Worst Interview Question

Actions for Allies in the Workplace

What is Micromanagement?

Why Not Why?

2 Ways to Handle Conflict at Work

Series 4: A Course in Production - Rookie Mistakes

Video 1: Rookie Mistakes: Innovation vs. Being Uninformed

Video 2: Rookie Mistakes: Forgetting You're on the Production Team

Video 3: Rookie Mistakes: Not Asking for Help

Video 4: Rookie Mistakes: Prioritizing Technical over Soft Skills

Video 5: Rookie Mistakes: Inflexibility with Different Learning Styles

Video 6: Rookie Mistakes: Do You Want to Be Here?

Video 7: Rookie Mistakes: You're Owed Nothing More than a Paycheque

Series 5: A Course in Production - Workplace Basics

Video 2: Onboarding
Video 3: Offboarding
Video 5: Meetings

*Vancouver-based podcast Don't Be a Jerk at Work has several excellent episodes (which you can stream for free any time!) about dealing with bad bosses here, including:

My Boss is a Jerk: Part 1 (the Busy Boss and the Inner Circle Boss)

My Boss is a Jerk: Part 2 (the Micromanaging Boss, Moody Boss, and Reluctant Boss)

My Boss is a Jerk: Part 3 (the Non-Scalable Boss, Political Boss, and Insecure Boss)

My Boss is a Jerk: Guardian Edition

Work Basics/Checklists Blog Post Series

Client Email Communication Checklist

Organizing and Running Efficient Meetings Checklist

Onboarding checklist

Offboarding checklist

Other Work-related Posts

Accessibility & Monetization

I'm not going to provide full subtitles or closed captioning for any of the videos, however, I will be providing a rough transcript for all videos here on the blog.

'Rough transcript' is actually a bit misleading - while the tone of writing will be casual, the written post on the blog that corresponds with each video will actually be a lot more lengthy and detailed, including links to resources, etc. This is to say that if you were to read the posts only and ignore the videos entirely, you won't be missing out at all-- in fact, you will be even more informed!

Lastly, my intention for all of the videos and associated posts is that they remain a free learning resource :)


All opinions in A Course in Production are mine, duh

The opinions in this video are entirely my own based on my work and experiences so far in Vancouver's animation industry. For the privacy of my friends, colleagues, and previous employers, I will not be mentioning anyone by name, nor will I be referring to any information about any projects that is not already publicly available. 

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