About recurring post series

You will see a few recurring series of posts on the yak occidental, here's a quick guide to what it's all about.


Words to Live By

Words to Live By is a collection of quotes curated around a specific theme (for example, writing & storytelling, women's work, etc). Generally speaking, this series will cover quotes from books I have read/am reading.

Best Of

Best of is similar to Words to Live By in that it will be a collection of quotes, though Best Of will be centered around one specific book. Sometimes there will be lots of quotes, sometimes just a couple; I highlight whatever seems particularly poignant or amusing. 

Important- just because there are fewer quotes does not necessarily mean the book was less important to me. For example, I often highlight just a couple quotes from Helen Oyeyemi's books, and she is in my top three favourite writers--I get so caught up in the story! You can use these quotes to see if you might like to read the book in question yourself or for general inspiration.


I will often post updates on or lists of books I have read/am reading. #ReadWomen is part of a larger initiative started back in 2014, you can learn more about it here.

A Course in Production

In the Work category of the yak occidental, A Course in Production is intended to be a free career resource for those who are currently in, or hope to some day be a part of a Production team in the 3D/CG animation industry.

With a series of blog posts and videos, I will be producing nine lessons (starting in July 2020) focusing on everything from my best practices within Production, what Production in the 3D animation industry is responsible for, and strategies for achieving excellence in a Production role.

You can read an overview of this series here.


I'll be categorizing all blog posts under the broad headings of Work, Play, and Renewal for quick access and general tidiness.

will focus on labour. Paid and unpaid, what we do for money/day job, side hustles, womxn's work, career stuff, overtime, etc.

will focus on the fun stuff. Books, music, travel, entertainment, media, what we do in our down time.

will focus on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health and wellness.