Time Management Resources for Work

I work in an industry with never-ending deadlines and quotas. Here are a few things I've tried that help keep me on track.

Painting above:  The Central Spiritual Sun (c. 1930s) by Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn

As a Production Manager, one of the questions I get most from my artists is how they can stay on track and manage their workload effectively. Over the years, I've built up a little arsenal of time management resources and things to try when you find you're getting distracted or otherwise are struggling to meet deadlines.

Personally, I use the tomato timer the most for work (has been especially helpful in my transition to WFH!), though I find the batch work method works best for my personal interests (like this blog and my video series)! 




This post was updated November 25 2021 (originally published November 8 2021)
This post was updated again February 1 2022 to add a link to the Energy section

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