VIDEO: Transforming Stress, Part 2
In this second and final video inspired by Dr. Kelly McGonigal's The Upside of Stress , here are three more stress-management exercises. Welcome to Part 2 of the Stress video where I’m focusing on some exercises from Stanford health psychologist and lecturer Dr. Kelly McGonigal’s book The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good For You, and How To Get Good at It . This video will cover a few more things you can try when you are stressed out in the moment and want to transform that stress into something meaningful. DID YOU MISS THE FIRST VIDEO? In Part 1 , we talked about remembering what matters about a stressful moment, and helping someone as ways to transform your stress. Watch it here . THIRD EXERCISE: Think Big Picture For this exercise, McGonigal refers to the work of fellow psychology researcher Jennifer Crocker who encourages us to turn our own self-focus into so-called “bigger-than-self goals.” Crocker sat through a professional development workshop where the leaders,...