Best Of Elizabeth Jenkins' "Harriet"

 Here is a selection of memorable quotes from Harriet by Elizabeth Jenkins.

Painting above: Title and date unknown by Elena Luksch-Makowsky (1878-1967) 

She was not beautiful like her sister, but the perfect roundness of the apricot cheek, the long neck, and the full reddened lips made her ten times as seductive; that her countenance betrayed no evidence of mind whatever did not detract her from charm; she was an exquisite little brute, and Lewis Oman liked her the better for it.


They went on joking together while Elizabeth sat still and looked, not at her husband, but at the air above his head, in that luxurious security when to know that a movement of the eyelids will bring the beloved object into view is almost more delicious than the view itself.


At that moment the light went up and revealed Alice in all her damning charm.


Miss Croker had executed the theft without any qualms, 

her conscience as an artist was so completely satisfied by the result.


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