November 2021: Month in Review
November is my favourite month of the year! Here's what happened. Painting above: Stag on Watch (c.1883) by Rosa Bonheur November Excursion: Butterfly World My spouse and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary with a trip to the island. We went to Butterfly World and it was a delight as always. It's nice and warm/tropical inside and we enjoyed our time there very much. I forget it is always a little unnerving to have the butterflies swooping around so much, but it is enchanting. The tortoises were very active and the macaws oddly peaceful as they had their lunch. My only regret is that we didn't see the iguana! We tried a couple times to spot him in his enclosure but no such luck that visit. There was a little parrot who was being quite cheeky and puffed up at us so we scrambled away before we got any further on its bad side. Most-liked Chore: Being grateful for emergency preparedness It's been global news that BC has experienced phenomenally damaging weather...