Playlist - Indie Love Songs (Slower)

 Here are some of my favourite, slower, indie love songs.

It's February and so there will be talk of Valentine's Day. Fun fact about me - I don't do Valentine's Day. My spouse and I have been together for thirteen years and we've never celebrated Valentine's Day by mutual agreement. There's no real political or social reason to it except laziness. Also I'm not a very romantic person.

All this being said, for those of you who do celebrate love on the 14th,  I have some fun, celebratory things coming up this month on the blog. I'll be sharing some of my favourite indie love songs (which are NOT to be confused with make out music), and also an exxclusive makeout playlist as well (there we go).

To kick things off, here are my favourite love songs that have a slower beat--who knew there was more to indie love songs than Sea of Love by Cat Power and Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs? I kid, kind of. Those are indie love song classics for a reason, but you already know them (right?), so I'll try and share some other ones here.

Indie Love Songs (Slower) Track List

  1. Next Train by Miracle Fortress
  2. Take Care by Beach House
  3. Go to Bed by Quiet Countries
  4. On Longing by Holly Throsby
  5. Somebody to Love by Valerie June
  6. The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned) by The Decemberists
  7. Unravel by björk
  8. Queen Black Acid by Menomena
  9. Bobby by Alex G
  10. Challengers by The New Pornographers
  11. Collar Bones by North Highlands
  12. Diamond by Jay Brown
  13. Postscript/Unconditional by Typhoon
  14. Two Doves by Dirty Projectors
  15. Two of Us on the Run by Lucius

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