Best Of Amy Cuddy's "Presence"

Here is a selection of memorable quotes from Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy.

Painting above: Self-portrait as the Allegory of Painting (ca. 1638) by Artemisia Gentileschi

Sometimes you have to get out of the way of yourself 
so you can be yourself.

True confidence stems from real love and 
leads to long-term commitment to growth. 
False confidence comes from desperate passion 
and leads to dysfunctional relationships, 
disappointment, and frustration.

A confident person can be present to others, 
hear their perspectives, and integrate those views 
in ways that create value for everyone.

In order for you to feel truly present, the various elements of the self--
 emotions, thoughts, physical and facial expressions, behaviours--
 must be in harmony. If our actions aren’t consistent with our values, 
we won’t feel that we’re being true to ourselves. 
If our emotions aren’t reflected in our physical expressions, we don’t feel real.

What I would like to suggest, though, is that while we may not 
have chosen to include such obstacles when we envision our ideal selves, 
they can represent an important dimension of our authentic best selves: 
they challenge us but are undeniably a part of us.

Remember, we want power to, not power over
We want to look confident and relaxed, 
not as though we are trying our best to dominate. 
The goal is intimacy, not intimidation. 
Commanding a room as though you were a silverback 
leaves little space, physically or emotionally, for anyone else.

By simply reframing the meaning of the emotion we’re experiencing- 
by nudging ourselves from anxiety to excitement—
we shift our psychological orientation, 
harnessing the cognitive and physiological resources 
we need to succeed under pressure. 
We effectively transform our stage fright into stage presence.

All emphasis is maintained from Cuddy's work. 

Want to learn more about Amy Cuddy's Presence? Read my review of her book here.

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