I Want No Part Of Your Secret Fatphobic Club.

Inspired by some words of Amy Cuddy, let's have a quick chat about thin privilege. Having recently read and reviewed Presence by Amy Cuddy, I started following her on social media. I came across the post above on her Instagram . I was horrified of course, and remembered that while I have (thankfully) not experienced this type of a thing with regards to race, I do fairly frequently when it comes to size and weight. Like the "secret club" (see the screen right side of the screen cap) Cuddy was invited to for racists, I have been invited to a secret club of those who have fatphobic, sizeist beliefs. Painting above: Autumn (Girl with Apple) ( c. 1940) by Prudence Heward The assumption in such conversations is that because I am thin, I must be disgusted by or judgemental of people who are not thin, specifically with regards to their appearance, diet, and whatever awareness I have of their exercise habits. There is also an assumption that since I am thin...