Best Of Emma Smith's "The Far Cry"

Here is a selection of memorable quotes from The Far Cry by Emma Smith.

Painting above: Summer's Day c.1879 by Berthe Morisot

He wanted to say: Yes, everything is different; differences are bewildering. 
Do not, in order to be rid of your bewilderment, 
attempt to reduce what is extraordinary to the limits of your ordinary appreciation. 
That is what most people do. They try to commonise, to reduce, 
because they are afraid of being bewildered. 
Let yourself be astonished. Be small. 
That is enough for you, and for me.
p. 205-206

And Ruth was able to lift her eyes and regard the blue feathery Naga hills 
without pain, for in her hand she held a silence 
and a constancy to equal theirs.
p. 227

Spiritual gestation, he believed, should not be suppressed, 
it should be honoured, and this however feeble or mistaken
 its attempts at expression might be.

It is true to say that she married him in the end because 
he was sincere and she was not, and she had in her head 
some confused idea that after marriage she would share, 
not only his worldly goods but his spiritual ones as well.

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