Rookie Mistakes: Not Asking for Help
If nothing else, skip ahead to the 15 Minute Rule! Asking for help is still something that gives many Production people pause. Isn’t asking for help admitting weakness, that you can’t manage the job you are lucky to have, or a sign that you aren’t willing to work hard? Thinking any of these things is a rookie mistake. Martha Beck says in her book The Way of Integrity: In fact, the further I go on the way of integrity, the more I know that I don’t know much about how reality works [...] We’re socialized to think that not knowing is stupid and shameful. But in traditions like Zen, ‘don’t know mind’ refers to a way of thinking that’s free from rigid concepts […] From a place of enlightenment, the mind’s job isn't to shore up beliefs, but to let them go. - from The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck I have a few quick things I want to say for this video: first, saying you understand something or will have a task completed on time is you accepting responsibility. If you say you got it and ...