Thought Exercise: 5 Ways to Ask for Help

Need help but don't know where to start? Here are 5 ways you can ask for what you need. For today’s Thought Exercise, we’re going to discuss five ways to ask to ask for help. These ideas are from Pamela Slim’s book, Body of Work: Finding the Thread That Ties Your Story Together. Slim reminds us with this exercise that, “Asking for help, and giving help on a consistent basis, is the best thing you can do for your body of work. It does’t have to be a lonely grind; it can be a rich exchange of ideas, information, and resources.” Without further ado, here are five ways Pamela Slim says you can ask for help: 1. Describe what you need help with in clear language 2. Send a Tweet (make sure your question is clear, brief, and includes ‘thanks!’) 3. Use LinkedIn Answers (this doesn’t exist anymore, Slim’s book was written in 2013, never the less, just try asking on LinkedIn which is literally a community of professional experts) 4. Attend free calls and webinars - Slim suggests companies, c...